Majuu Sensen: The Apocalypse Episode 5

Majuu Sensen: The Apocalypse

Other Name: Beast Fighter: The Apocalypse, Maju Sensen The Apocalypse, Demon Beast Battle Front The Apocalypse, Demon Beast Phalanx TV, 魔獣戦線 THE APOCALYPSE

Summary: An entire city is destroyed by two monstrous and omnipotent beings. Genzou Kuruma, a scientist but also the leader of a sect wishes to awake God, but first, he needs a special kind of blood for it. His son, Shinichi Kuruma, and a young girl, Ayaka Sanders, possess that blood, and he will do anything to capture them and take their blood for God`s Awakening, and so, humanity will be lost. Shinichi, along Ayaka and Tomizoro (Tommy), are escaping from Genzou Kuruma`s “New Humans” (genetically altered…Continue reading

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